Author’s Notes

Partnering with God in your business.

The author’s notes are not edited…

They are simply the bullet points used to deliver the message of each chapter. It is a wonderful way of listening and reading along that captures the essence of each title. On this page, there are a few lines of the notes for each chapter, if you are tempted to read more, click on the chapter and it will take you to the podcast and the notes in their entirety.

Chapter 15 “Doing Better than your Best” 2022

CHAPTER 15:  DOING BETTER THAN YOUR BEST 2022 I need to make Chapter 15 clear right off the bat. Doing your best is something we all do. We all try and achieve “doing our best.” The problem is — our best, simply put, is not good enough. My best can get me into trouble. The trick is to do better than my best. Only way to

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"The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen."