12 “The Triangle” 2022



Chapter 12, Part One The Five Sides of the Triangle 2022

The triangle being taught here is a lesson, a study guide if you will, that I invented to help me understand me, my correct balance in my life, tending to all things in me that God had made. Without it, I was whacky, out of calibration so to speak. My sanity, creativity, moods, positive, negative attitudes, I couldn’t keep them in check. Without balance I’d get into trouble. Pushed this way and that way by my emotions, feelings, this idea, or that idea something I’d heard here or there. Back in the old days or Proverbs, a measurement was a serious thing. That’s how people traded goods and services and respected each other, so a crook, or an inconsistent measurement was, very bad.

Proverbs 11:1
A false balance is an abomination to the Lord,
But a just weight is His delight.

I use that scripture for measuring a false balance or an accurate balance in myself. God does not like lying and hurting each other, that is true. In my travels, I noticed I did that to myself, hurt myself being out of order. How can I assess myself and then measure me? First, why is that important?

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 ESV
Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.

Pay attention. A triangle has three sides plus a front and a back, 5 sides total. This is the construct I used to begin breaking down the day into efficient time, each morning, afternoon, evening, in all time I had a job to keep me in order utilizing each side of the triangle as a “piece” of me.

Side one: Mind, side 2: Body, side 3: Spirit, side four: Knowledge, Side 5: Wisdom. Before I go any farther, three sides I can do something about. I can do them. Without the first three, the fourth and fifth sides, knowledge and wisdom are nearly impossible to be revealed by the Holy Spirit, i.e., God’s will for me. Let’s focus on three sides that I can do: a framework pointing me to the discovery of knowledge and wisdom like the lens of a telescope. When it is in focus, I can see better — Truth in any given situation and best of all — Truth can see me. Do you understand that statement, it is huge for me? When living authentic truth, the mind is better, you are better, the world around you is clearer, God is clearer, He sees you, yes, and I — finally see the Lord in all things around me. “Truth, now I see, and truth sees me.” God, I see, and God sees me. Let me break down three sides for you. Things to do on the road to a Destiny He ordained for me before even time began.

Side #1: My mind. I feed it information. Reading, studying, going in depth in the bible, politics, what the world and my business are up to. I follow up the information, check it, manage new information into my business and my life. I discover information in all aspects of my bible, the economy, the bank, my cars, anything God has given me. People, places and things that the Lord has brought into my life. I study and learn and take care of what is mine to use in this world. Update computers systems, check and recheck the Critical Profit Report, analyze trends in the market place, understand where I fit in and what my competition is doing. In short, be a good student in everything, all the time and know the difference between wasting time and learning time.

Side #2: Your body. Sleep, correct food and exercise. Knowing your body’s rhythm. How you sleep, when, for how long, be aware of the rest you need to function at the top of your game. Understand food and what works for you and what does not work for you. Be militant about when you eat, and what you eat and what you do not allow yourself to eat. Remember alcohol is not your friend. Not for any of us. It will absolutely knock a person out of the game. Exercise consistently, correctly, not too much, not too little and an entire body workout, not just the things I like to do.

Side #3: Inspiration. What is your inspiration? Make sure it is something God has given you. Chores are an amazing help to my head. Keeping my workspace in order, my home, my truck, laundry. I’m seriously happy when these things completed, time with the kids, writing, walking on a beautiful morning, all good.

Psalm 37:23-24
“A person’s steps are made secure by the Lord when they delight in his way. Though they trip up, they won’t be thrown down, because the Lord holds their hand.”

I’ve said many times, God will do things for me that I cannot do myself. He will not do things for you that you can do yourself.

The framework of my life holds the lens in place. Remember the lens I talked about? The front and back of the triangle, the fourth and fifth side. Knowledge and Wisdom.

James 3:15-18
English Standard Version
15 This is not the wisdom that comes down from above, but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic. 16 For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice. 17 But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere. 18 And a harvest of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace.

You’re in charge, you have responsibility. When you don’t take care of yourself, your life suffers and your business. Without learning the truth of what I am in Christ, and how He uses me, Discernment, with a capital D suffers and I am inconsistent.

Hosea 14:9
New International Version 
Who is wise? Let them realize these things.
Who is discerning? Let them understand.
The ways of the Lord are right;
the righteous walk in them,
but the rebellious stumble in them.

You can make a much clearer assessment when you are in order. The triangle holds me in order. What I call the lenses, the front and back, knowledge on one side, wisdom on the other, is truly what God does for me, I cannot do that for myself. It is extremely impossible for me to see anything when I’m not viciously pushing myself to extreme order. Leading, leadership, authority, responsibility, it is a critical position that God gives. What you do with it, that is the measure of a Soldier of Christ. The world is falling apart all around us, we are simply asked to take care of what He has given and for that, well, frankly, I can’t do that without God, but in God, in the Lord, in our savior Jesus Christ..

Psalm 91:7-16
New King James Version

A thousand may fall at your side,
And ten thousand at your right hand;
But it shall not come near you.

Only with your eyes shall you look,
And see the reward of the wicked.

Things make sense in the working of this triangle concept of Chapter 12, for me, it was the game changer, yielding more “effective and efficient” in my decisions.

Five sides to the triangle of Chapter 12 – Mind, Body, Spirit in order first. Think of it like a frame holding beautiful polished lenses — laser focused on the truth, and for me, my friends, I couldn’t have benefited from side four and five, knowledge and wisdom without discipline in the first three sides. I learned God does for me things I can’t do for myself, he won’t do things I can do for myself. Making a better me is up to me to get up and do, with His help always, and with His help all kinds of things happen.

1 Timothy 3:2
English Standard Version
2 Therefore an overseer[a] must be above reproach, the husband of one wife,[b]sober-minded, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach,

Complete all my chores today, they won’t stay in order by themselves. I assure you, keeping the office in order, following the list, keeping your mind on the Word and the study of prophecy, being sorrowful to the Lord for our silly behavior, taking care of this body of ours where the Holy Spirit resides, these are key elements that allow God to reveal Himself, and your Destiny.

1 Corinthians 3:16-17
English Standard Version
16 Do you not know that you[a] are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you?
17 If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy him. For God’s temple is holy, and you are that temple.

Let’s recap as we conclude Chapter 12, Part One, the five sides of the triangle. Keeping in mind, you do three sides, only with God do I achieve five sides, all of it, little by little, dedicated time and willingness to be absolutely consistent.

1 Corinthians 14:40
American Standard Version
40 But let all things be done decently and in order.

1-Mind = complex necessary projects for your mind and business, study, experience, problem solving, creativity, bible study, new ideas completed and regularly used.., learn to read and retain, note taking and study of notes.

2-Body = eating correct food, exercise, rest, vitamins, steady and consistent training.., did you ever read the stuff that is in our soap, toothpaste, food, haircare products. Read it, you might decide to change things up a bit and find better products for yourself.

3-Spirit = time with family life, keeping your house/office/vehicles in order, poetry, music, concerts, art galleries, listening to pertinent speakers, gardening, upgrading antiquated equipment, tools — things you love to do.., a little bit everyday…, helping others correctly, sharing testimony, actual history of what happened in your life before God, and because of God.

4-Knowledge = Reading God’s word, utilizing new information, processing the world through the Word, prayer, discernment by checking and re-checking yourself, utilizing historical evidence, letting go of theories and generalities, learning of prophecy and what has already been, the evidence of God in all things, read!

5-Wisdom = the difference between a trap and a blessing, needs and want, God and men, flesh and spirit, fact and fiction, stewardship and arrogance, willing to do for God with what God has given, trying to keep self out of it, wonder and discuss the Lord in fellowship, and with clear and present teachers, studied in the Word, authentic and true…

Proverbs 2:6-8
Contemporary English Version
6 All wisdom comes from the Lord,
and so do common sense
and understanding.
7 God gives helpful advice[a]
to everyone who obeys him
and protects all of those
who live as they should.
8 God sees that justice is done,
and he watches over everyone
who is faithful to him.

I mention now and then that for all that needs to be done, I take it a day at a time for four days straight. All that needs to be done on the list, all sides of the triangle, I maximize touching each side, working all of it over a period of 96 hours, Monday through Thursday, Friday into Monday. That works for me, I get a schedule and stick to it.., thereby getting a little more done, everyday, every week, all the time, striving to be more alert, critical thinking on all projects and never, ever considering casual, “it’ll do Lou”, mediocre, or lazy as an option.

Let’s give Him back “better than our best”, ONLY can that “better than my best” be accomplished in the power of God, His mercy, grace and love, in that, with that, we are we amazing, without Him, I fall sadly short of amazing.

Next week, Part two, The Sliding Scale. How to measure the Triangle in Your Life. Is it possible? Yes, of course. Does it work? Yes, it does. Is God real? Yes, He is and He loves you and me and with this little study tool, I discovered Him in every part of me.
Chapter 12, The Five Sides of the Triangle 2022 Amen.